Memberships and Subscriptions
We are corporate members and/or subscribers to the following organisations.
Association of Independent Research and Technology Organisations (AIRTO)
British Association for Immediate Care
British Computer Society
BSI (British Standards Institution) (Customer No. 41117460)
BTC – TAG (British Technical Council – Testing Advisory Group)
The Climatic Automotive Windtunnel Association (CAWA)
Defence Industry Security Association (DISA)
The Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) (Member No. 31574)
The Engineering Integrity Society (EIS)
Electro-magnetic Compliance Test Laboratories Association
Engineering Employers Federation (EEF)
European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA)
The European Car Aerodynamic Research Association (ECARA)
European Secure Vehicle Alliance
Federation Against Software Theft (FAST)
German-British Chamber of Commerce
Intelligent Transport Society for the United Kingdom
Microsoft Certified Partner
Midlands Aerospace Alliance
National Computer Centre (NCC)
National Forum for Conformité Européene (CE) Compliance
The Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety (PACTS)
The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee
Perimeter Security Suppliers Association (PSSA)
Progress User Group
Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Compliance Association
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT)
UniCEG – University Combustion Engines Group
Vehicle Restraint Manufacturers Association
West Midlands Employment Relations Forum