General Safety Regulation 2 (GSR2)

Driver assistance and vehicle automation technology is becoming increasingly complex. And legislation is evolving to ensure these new systems are safe. So, you need to be sure that your systems, and the vehicles they’re installed in, comply with the relevant international regulations and standards.
At HORIBA MIRA, our certification team has experience of testing and certifying a range of products against the EU’s GSR2 driver assistance and safety requirements through the Netherlands approval authority. And we’re always monitoring new GSR2 subjects and extending our designation, so we can deliver witnessed testing and certify your product, all under one roof.
And if you’re registered with a different regulatory authority, we’ll provide access to HORIBA MIRA’s extensive world-class testing facilities and arrange for a relevant third-party witness.
In short, we offer a totally flexible, independent GSR2 type approval service that can be tailored to your needs.

HORIBA MIRA has successfully been granted Technical Service Designation by the Netherlands Type Approval Authority. A full list of the subjects in MIRA’s updated RDW designation can be downloaded below.
HORIBA MIRA plans to further extend its Technical Service scope with RDW in the new year introducing more new regulations and will seek to represent other Type Approval Authorities for the GSR2 subjects, creating even more choice for the industry.
General Safety Requirements 2 (GSR2)
GSR2 is driving new levels of complexity in the design of all private and commercial vehicles. And this has implications for the functional safety of connected features such as ADAS and vehicle dynamics. Combining our engineering expertise and legislative experience, we can support you in meeting GSR2. From delivering every relevant testing scenario to managing all your systems suppliers.